Thursday, April 24, 2014


We all have them, socks that are missing their mate. Silverware that does not match. Tires on our cars are different brands, and I am sure if you look in your cabinets you will find generic labels of foods, wishing they had a name brand. Ok maybe not wishing they had a name brand , but you know that there is a better quality for that product.

Those socks and tires and canned goods that we have in life are a lot like us, Unmatched, not equally yoked and missing the one thing that brings Joy and happiness.  Can you relate to this ?  If you can let me further explain !

We are willing to settle for less and because we live in a instant gratification society " we want what we want and we want it now ! " 

Much different than what scripture teaches us.  We are to look for those that are like-minded and to walk in truth.  Have you ever had one sock on one foot and a different sock on the other ?  Or maybe you needed a ingredient for a special recipe , yet did not have that in the house, so you decided to add what was similar and the recipe was a disaster .

A square peg will never fit in a round hole . Are you discontent and searching for the answers to what is wrong, something just does not align with your hearts desires .

Do Not Love the World
15Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.…
Matthew 4:8
Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 
It may be hard for you to understand exactly where I am going with this.  Here is the point.  We have scattered parts in our life and until completion we are lost, a silver wear set is not complete unless all the pieces are there. 2 tires from Michelin and 2 tires from Goodyear do not equal a complete set of 4 tires. You may have silver wear and you have 4 tires on your car, yet they are not equal, they are not whole .
Satan offered Jesus " EVERYTHING" that looked good, Jesus knew that this was a trick and was not tempted, instead he told Satan to get behind me.  So why do we rush around in complete want to get the things that we think will make us happy.  A makeover, a new car, a new piece of furniture, will last for a season, but what about everyday life. Do the mixed up pieces of your life cause unhappiness and sorrow.  What would it be like if things were paired and in order ?
Let's renew your mind for a moment , you can have a match, a spiritual DNA that will bring peace, contentment, joy, happiness, wholeness, and you can start to live in abundance. You don't have to settle for aluminum when china is available. You are worthy.
This blog takes a certain amount of depth to understand, a spirit filled mind, and a willing heart to receive the message being given.
Jesus died for you to live, to live in peace and happiness, he has forgiven your past, he has replaced the unequal parts of your life, he has given you new life in him, He is your refuge and your Rock. He wants you to throw away all the pieces of your life that do not fit, that go against his will, He wants you to walk and talk with Him daily, Not the things in this world that bring pleasure, those pleasure will rot away.
What do your pieces look like, are you wearing two different socks, Praying and talking about Jesus and being his disciple , yet living a different way, that does not match your prayer life, That is wearing two different socks. They don't match up and they tell a story. What story are you letting others read about your life.
Dear Lord, Please show us that you want us to live our life for you , and that you provide the strength needed to not waiver in and out, that we are strong in your spirit and that we can be whole and endure through times of troubles and that you want us to clean up the unmatched mixed up areas of our life.
Show us and teach us how to walk like you walk, talk like you talk and to love like you love. 

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